Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

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Zanu PF supporters fume over Mugabe inputs scheme

Zanu PF supporters fume over Mugabe inputs scheme

Saturday, 26 February 2011 19:10


SENIOR Zanu PF officials are allegedly looting farming inputs distributed 
under President Robert Mugabe’s US$33 million inputs scheme while giving 
poor urban farmers fertiliser and maize seed in lunch boxes.

The scheme, which the Minister of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation 
Development Joseph Made said was meant to help revive agriculture, is only 
benefitting Mugabe’s supporters countrywide as the inputs are strictly being 
distributed at Zanu PF gatherings.

Sources in the President’s Office say a report has already been made to 
Mugabe indicating that his trusted lieutenants were looting the inputs.

“This was communicated to the President three weeks ago but I don’t know 
what action he will take,” said one source.

“The problem is that we are going towards elections and he would not want to 
antagonise his cronies because most guys will be found wanting should there 
be an investigation.”

Reports say the looting of the inputs scheme was not restricted to Harare 
but was widespread in the country.

In 2009, several Zanu PF chefs, senior army, police and prison officers were 
fingered in the looting of agricultural inputs from the Grain Marketing 
Board meant to benefit the poor.

Made last week professed ignorance that Zanu PF officials were helping 
themselves to the inputs but confirmed that people were getting small 
amounts of seed and fertliser due to demand.

“There is massive demand for inputs as you might be aware that donors 
withdrew some three or so months ago,” said Made. “We are very grateful to 
the President for this initiative because it has raised hopes for food 
security around the country.”

Made said the scheme, establi-shed under the President’s Well-wishers’ Fund, 
was not a Zanu PF project but was designed to benefit every Zimbabwean.

He said the scheme would be-nefit over half a million people recover from 
the effects of “illegal” sanctions and droughts experienced over the past 

In addition to seed maize, fertilisers and small grain seeds, the inputs 
scheme for the 2010/11 agricultural season which shot up from US$10 million 
last year to US$33 million, has expanded to include cotton and livestock.

Made could not disclose the source of the funding.

Mugabe started the ball rolling by giving the inputs to all delegates who 
attended the Zanu PF congress in Mutare that chose him to represent his 
party in the next elections.


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