Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

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ZanuPF youths sieze Bulawayo buildings

ZANU-PF Youths seize Bulawayo buildings

Published: June 16, 2010

By Lionel Saungweme

Bulawayo(ZimEye) ZANU-PF youths have seized the Zambezia, Canberra and Capri Buildings in Bulawayo’s Central Business District.

Zambesia and Canberra flats stand between Leopold Takawira and Sixth Avenue along Fort Street, while the Capri is at the corner of George Silundika Street and Eleventh Avenue. Unconfirmed information at hand suggests that the Zambesia and Canberra belong to Mr. Laloo, a Zvishavane based Zimbabwean of Indian origin. The Capri (Capri Pizzeriae Restorante Italiano), which houses a bar and a restaurant under the Pizzaghetti brand name, was destroyed in a fire accident some fifteen years ago. It is owned by the Di Palma family, who are of Italian origin, having lived in Zimbabwe since World War II.

At the start of the invasion ZANU-PF youths, seen in the picture, put on an intimidating and confrontational presence at the entrance of Zambesia Building. Boasting loudly of their takeover, one of the “Third Chimurenga” activists identified only as Maqhawe said, “Sesayithatha indawo, sanikwa imvumo nguKasukuwere! (We have seized this property after permission was granted by Kasukuwere!)”.

They further boasted saying their invasions enjoyed the backing of Vice President, Joice Mujuru.

Another ZANU-PF militant went on to say, “Abanengi bethu baswela umhlabathi ngesikathi kuthathelwa amabhunu. Umama uMujuru usevumile ukuthi sithathe izakhiwo (Many of us lost out on the land grab. So Mrs. Mujuru has approved that we seize buildings instead)”.

A source mentioned that an official of the Affirmative Action Group (AAG), a radical cluster of businessmen and black empowerment crusaders, met the “Third Chimurenga” campaigners. Their deliberations have not as yet been disclosed to the media. The AAG, which seeks to grab a lion’s stake in white owned companies and all unoccupied properties, including those with absentee owners, is widely perceived to be notoriously sympathetic to ZANU-PF.

Some vendors and foreign currency dealers, who ply their trade outside the Zambesia and Canberra, confirmed that Mr. Laloo lets out the ground floor of the structure. They say he has gradually been refurbishing the upper floors over many years. Most of the costly fittings and building material have been acquired from South Africa. For this reason, renovations are carrying on at a slow pace. Similarly, it has been difficult to revive the Capri’s eatery project, because replacing the important infrastructure is expensive.

Continuing takeovers of white owned properties and companies was further bolstered by President Robert Mugabe, who recently and unilaterally enacted the contentious Indigenous Empowerment Bill.

Recently, while addressing a business and mining forum at the Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo (JMN) Polytechnic College in Gwanda on 23 May 2010, ZANU-PF fanatic and Minister of Youth Development, Indigenisation and Empowerment, Mr. Saviour Kasukuwere, said, “I have always said the easiest route is to ‘indigenise’”. Worse still, Mugabe has to date not retracted or shown any remorse for his, “You must instill fear into the heart of the white men”, statement.(ZimEye, Zimbabwe)


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