Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

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Zim magistrates on go slow

Zim Magistrates On Go Slow

17/02/2011 11:21:00

Bulawayo, February 17, 2011 – Magistrates in the country’s second city,
Bulawayo have embarked on a go slow ahead of a full blown strike action set
for next Monday in protest over low pay and poor working conditions.

Magistrates, who are one of the poorly paid state workers, are demanding an
increase of their salaries from the current US$250 per month to between
US$US$600 and US$3000 – depending on the grade.

According to a proposal in Radio VOP’s possession that was sent to Supreme
Court Judge, Rita Makarau who is the Acting Secretary for Judicial Services
Commission (JSC), the magistrates are demanding US$600 for trainee
magistrates, US$1000 for junior magistrates, US$1500 for senior magistrates,
US$1700 for provincial magistrates and US$2000 for senior provincial

The proposal sent to the JSC, signed by the acting chief magistrate, Hlekeni
Mwayera, also demands US$2500 for regional magistrates, US$3000 for senior
regional magistrates and deputy chief magistrates and US$3300 for a chief

The Magistrates who have deserted the courts to press for better pay,
resulting in prisoners being sent back to prison for further remand, want
their salaries to be at par with their regional counterparts.

“For example, in Namibia, the lowest paid magistrate (entry level) earns R23
000 per month including car and housing allowances as compared to Zimbabwe
where a magisterial assistant earns US$205,” reads in part the magistrates’
letter signed by Mwayera.

The Acting JSC secretary, Judge Makarau could not be reached for comment.

In interviews, magistrates said they would down their gavels on Monday if
there is no response from Makarau.

“We want an increase of our salaries now. We are going ahead with a full
blown strike action on Monday if we do not get a favourable response from
the Judicial Services Commission (JSC),” a disgruntled magistrate, refusing
to be named, said.

Zimbabwe’s judicial system is stricken by long delays in hearings and
prisoners can spend up to two years awaiting trial because of a critical
shortage of magistrates, scores of whom have migrated to neighbouring
countries to escape severe economic privation.

Graduates from the University of Zimbabwe’s law department hardly spend a
year with the public service as they quickly resign to join private practice
where they get better remuneration.


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Killer poacher jailed 18 years   3/7/2019 The Chronicle Mashudu Netsianda, Senior Court Reporter A POACHER who ganged up with a colleague and fatally attacked a

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