Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

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Zinwa assures nation on water

Zinwa assures nation on water


The Herald

Elita chikwati, Senior Agriculture Reporter

The Zimbabwe National Water Authority has assured the nation that major dams have adequate water for domestic use and irrigation despite the decline in water levels due to the high temperatures being experienced in the country.

Zinwa corporate communications manager Mrs Marjorie Munyonga yesterday said the dam levels were now receding due to the rising temperatures.

“The stoppage of river flows in many parts of the country and the intensification of irrigation activity around the country also explains the steady decline in dam water levels,” she said.

Mrs Munyonga said as at July 17, 2018, the national dam level average was 79 percent representing a 0, 34 percent drop since July 10, 2018.
“Mazowe Catchment has the highest dam level of 96,5 percent followed by Manyame Catchment at 94 percent , Save Catchment 86, 7 percent, Runde Catchment 70 percent Sanyati Catchment 86, 6 percent, Mzingwane’s 81,7 percent and Gwayi recording the lowest average of 70, 7 percent. Despite this decline, Zinwa wishes to assure the nation that the water in the dams is sufficient to meet the country’s needs.”

She urged prospective raw water users to approach their nearest Zinwa catchment offices and sign water abstraction agreements that allow them to legally access water in Zinwa-managed dams as prescribed by the law.

She said any use of water without the mandatory legal documentation constituted a criminal offence in terms of Section 118 of the Water Act and offenders were liable to criminal prosecution.

“Zinwa reminds the nation that water remains a highly finite resource which needs to be used sparingly. Normally the rise in temperatures comes with a corresponding rise in water demand and the authority continues to appeal to water users to conserve water in their respective uses,” she said.


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