Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

***The views expressed in the articles published on this website DO NOT necessarily express the views of the Commercial Farmers' Union.***

Affiliated Farmers’ Unions

The Union is closely affiliated to the following regional and international Farmers Organisations:

Southern African Confederation of Agricultural Unions (SACAU)

 This link will take you to the SACAU website. The CFU is represented by its President on the SACAU Governing board.

International Federation of Agricultural Producers (IFAP)

 This link will take you to the IFAP website. The IFAP is the controlling body for all farmers’ organisations in the world; it represents some 40 million agricultural producers.

Agri South Africa (AgriSA)

 This link will take you to the AgriSA website, one of CFU’s sister farmer organisations in Southern Africa.

The CFU also has a very close affiliation with the Zimbabwe Farmers’ Union who is our partners in the formation of the Zimbabwe Farmers Alliance Trust (ZFAT). The Zimbabwe Farmers Union represents primarily small holder communal farmers.


Who can join the CFU?

There are four membership categories for the CFU which are outlined as follows: Ordinary Members: These are individuals, companies, co-operatives, associations of small scale farmers

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Our Structure

The CFU members are structured in a democratic hierarchical system with district level farmers’ associations feeding into provincial structures. Alongside the provincial structures are the

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Our History

The CFU and its predecessors have been serving farmers in Zimbabwe for over 100 years. As early as 1892, the Rhodesian Farmers’ and Landowners’ Association

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