Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

***The views expressed in the articles published on this website DO NOT necessarily express the views of the Commercial Farmers' Union.***

ARAC Newsletter 19



Dear Farmer,


There has been a flood of email correspondence from all corners of the globe over the last weeks. We are delighted at the interest that is being generated  and as far as possible we endeavour to reply to each letter personally. It is indeed gratifying that correspondence is reaching so many, however we are aware that out there are still others who are not yet connected to our communication network.


 Many letters commend us for the fresh and inclusive angle now being taken with regards to all farmers, such comment is deeply appreciated and motivates your team a great deal. From others there is still much that focuses on the past and to an extent on the consequences of constitutional failure in the times of transition that we have gone through. The attrition of an active farming based membership to a largely non farming dispossessed constituency is a challenge for any organisation to survive, that those people are spread all over the globe exacerbates that. Both constitutional and policy issues are currently being dealt with and the end result will be a more accountable and transparent union that serves its members. For those that left the ship and have concerns with this process of renewal, we welcome your input.


Others have expressed concern that there is much expertise out there that is being excluded from the process of achieving  our common goals. Together everyone achieves more, is something we have all heard, this certainly is the case where focus and a clear understanding exists between all players, it is not something easily achieved, however we are aware of those parties and individuals and every effort will be made to enhance success through a shared and inclusive agenda. Some of the entities involved are principally commercial and others more farmer focused, all parties are concerned to improve communication. The planned Presidential group visit to UK will most definitely involve a coordinated  approach through both the local embassy protocols and those who are already working through established channels in the UK.


A cross-cutting concern is a perception that CFU is only interested in a quick fix. The imperative of advancing age and diminishing or exhausted resources is clearly something that concerns a considerable group of farmers, their predicament is clearly understood. On the other side there are those who are anxious to see no time line imposed for the sake of expediency. There are differing expectations across a broad spectrum , in achieving resolution we are guided by the FAO guide lines which we have previously communicated. These will be endorsed in the revised policy document.


Membership dues and how and where to pay for those outside the boarders, and the level at which these are set is another frequently asked question. We are investigating satisfactory coordinating  mechanisms and contact persons for those who are not well served by the current arrangements. I am sure you will be contacted by the relevant people once this is done. There will be a resolution at congress as to debate  and set the fee structure for the coming period. We have already received considerable comment on this.


Two  other common queries are :


1.       Concern that farmers may have left companies in moth balls and an uncertainty as to the way forward on this situation ,

2.       Concerns as to the procedures in regard to deceased estates where acquired titled property makes up a part of the estate,

There have been previous opinions on these matters and we have asked for fresh legal opinion, in view of changed legislation here and will communicate the details within the next couple of weeks.


Last night a few of us were  able to  see the excellent documentary ‘Mugabe and the White African’ which together with the farm worker driven documentary, ‘House of Justice’  does much to promote true understanding of what farmers and their workers have gone through and are still going through over the past 10 years.


We congratulate Ben Freeth on his recent inclusion on the UK Honors’ list with an MBE.  We commend him and others for their resolute commitment towards the restoration of all citizens’ rights in Zimbabwe.


Best regards from the ARAC Team.



ARAC – Agriculture Recovery & Compensation


Tel: +263 4 309800-19 ext 249

Email: [email protected]








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