ARAC -Agricultural Recovery and Compensation
At the recent AGM of FIT the organisation was renamed ARAC, (Agricultural Recovery and Compensation.) This has been done in recognition of the primary concerns that affect our displaced farmers. Ten years since the start of the current crisis there is a real need to re-engage our constituents in a process that will bring closure to this traumatic period and set in place the foundations for recovery. We believe that the re-branding of FIT provides a great opportunity for us to make the difference. For too long displaced farmers and others who have been forced out of the industry that was the primary source of their livelihood have been sidelined or felt alienated. This has been recognised and ARAC is the result of this.
At the AGM the following were nominated to take this process forward, Messers: Jim Barker, Dave Bouma, Richard Brooker, Ian Gibson, Richard Harvey, Wynand Hart, Barry Munro, Chris Shepherd, Pete Steyl (Chairman)and Rod Swales. Vice President Charles Taffs is an ex-officio member of the ARAC Committee, which also has representation at the CFU Council.
Our mandate is broad and inclusive, two working groups have been established and an ARAC office at CFU is now staffed by Ben Purcell Gilpin and Shayne Wells. We will keep you informed of our activities.
We can be contacted at [email protected] or telephone no: +263 4 309800 – 19 Ext: 249