Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

***The views expressed in the articles published on this website DO NOT necessarily express the views of the Commercial Farmers' Union.***

ARAC Newsletter 28

Dear Farmer


Here are some frequently asked questions from CFU Legal Affairs Department.


In order to explain to members what the CFU is doing on the Legal front we thought we would prepare a list of frequently asked questions and answers to those questions.


Let us know if you have other questions or concerns.



I am still farming how does CFU going to court help me? What legal issues are for my benefit?

    CFU has applied to the Supreme Court for a moratorium on the Land reform programme. We know and believe that in order for agriculture to be successful we need stability as regards land tenure. This is what we are fighting for.

    CFU is also very active in representing employers in Labour disputes and feeding into Collective Bargaining Negotiations. We know that badly handled wage negotiations can jeopardize the viability of the entire agricultural industry.


I am a displaced farmer what are the benefits of CFU’s legal actions to me?

    CFU has actively supported the Campbell case and the applications for contempt. The Campbell case provides a landmark judgment recognizing the illegality of the way in which land reform has been carried out in Zimbabwe.

    This gives all farmers whose rights have been lost hope.

    The CFU is focusing strongly on the issue of compensation. We have made alliances with other groups like Afri-Forum who have helped the cause of the Zimbabwean Commercial Farmer. Early this year Afri-Forum helped us to register the SADC Tribunal judgment in South Africa. This laid the way to potentially attach properties belonging to the Government of Zimbabwe in South Africa.


I am a young farmer I want to get busy on the land? What does CFU do for me?

    There are so many complicated issues that have come about as a result of Land reform. The ethical issues of using contested land without the original owner’s permission have caused conflicts amongst farmers.


Why focus on compensation?

     We believe that compensation will bring closure to many farmers and the land question and remove the conflict from the land issue.

    We want all farmers regardless of race, gender and political affiliation to be able to engage freely in the business of farming for the common good of our country. We want farmers to be empowered and successful in their agricultural ventures.


Why go to court? What’s the point even if you win you won’t get the judgment implemented?

    Even if court orders cannot be implemented it is important to leave an audit trail.

    It is also about creating pressure and being able leverage points of negotiation. They can be used to advocate and lobby both the Government of Zimbabwe and SADC neighbours.


What is CFU doing about the Prosecutions of Commercial Farmers? We don’t have money to continue these expensive prosecutions?

    We know that defending prosecutions for still farming is still expensive especially when a farmer’s livelihood is tied up in the business he is fighting for.

    Did you know that over the last year the CFU has spent approximately 270 000 US dollars on fighting legal battles in Zimbabwe, South Africa and the region. Some of these funds were secured.

    We have been active and had some success in searching for legal aid for farmers who are in need.

    We liaise with almost all lawyers handling land cases and ensure that heads are put together over legal strategy. We have ensured that the best in Africa are consulted about the issues. We believe that we have contributed to many of the acquittals of farmers.



The CFU belongs to farmers join up, get involved and have your say. We want to know what you need and we want to deliver.




ARAC – Agricultural Recovery & Compensation


Tel: +263 4 309800-19 ext 249

Email: [email protected]



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Telephone 263-04-309800-16. Cell 263-712-861726







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