Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

***The views expressed in the articles published on this website DO NOT necessarily express the views of the Commercial Farmers' Union.***

ARAC Update #3/2011

ARAC Update #3/2011


11 February 2011


Dear Farmer





Ø  All farmers have to produce some form of claim to be awarded Compensation.

Ø  If you have no documentation there can be no valuation and therefore no compensation.

Ø  Each individual has the right to claim for whatever they feel that they have lost, however if we all do it as individuals each claim must be assessed and excepted or rejected individually and this process will be expensive and take a long time.

Ø  ARAC has launched a Compensation Initiative that will assist farmers to standardise the process of documentation for all farmers to claim Compensation.

Ø  This template or model is based on the specifications as laid down in International Law that includes all the losses that you as a farmer have the right to claim for.

Ø  This model can be used by farm Owners, Lessees, Contractors or any other persons that were commercially active producing agricultural products on farms, who suffered losses as a result of the Fast Track Land Resettlement Exercise.



The Standardised document is made up of ten Sections

Section One

·         Deals with ownership and links the property to the owner who has right to claim. This section includes

·         Copies of Title Deeds

·         Copies of Certificate of Incorporation

·         Copies of Form CR 6

·         Copies of Form CR 14

Section Two

Historical Back Ground – Describes the events that led to the losses and determines the date of affect.

Section Three

This section contains copies of financial Statements and identifies the production that took place in normal years. This proves loss of income.

Section Four

This section contains a valuation Certificate for land and fixed improvements

Section Five

This section deals with the Disturbance Losses that consists of three groups.

1.       Moveable Assets – What implements and breeding stock did you lose?

2.       Loss of Income – What was your normal income in one year?

3.       Consequential Costs – What direct costs did you suffer as a result of the process?

Section Six

This section contains the Notices from Government and Assist to determine date of affect

Section Seven

This section contains your response in the form of letters or legal action to the notices from the government.

Section Eight –

Contains Affidavits and supporting documentation

Section Nine

This section contains photographs.

Section Ten –

This section is a summary of all the losses.


The purpose of the project is to:

·         Standardise Procedure

·         Standardise Documentation

·         Standardise Valuation

·         Reduce Time

·         Reduce Costs



If you would like to be part of this initiative you are invited to contact the ARAC office at the CFU in Harare at your earliest convenience.


All farmers are urged to participate and will be required to answer the following basic questions:

·         Who are you?

·         Where did you farm?

·         What did you produce?

·         How much did you produce?

·         When were you affected?

·         What other losses did you suffer and when?

Where farmers do not have the relevant information you will be assisted by the application of standardised statistics from the database.



Wynand Hart


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