Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

***The views expressed in the articles published on this website DO NOT necessarily express the views of the Commercial Farmers' Union.***

Farms: Chickens coming home to roost

Farms: Chickens coming home to roost

The Sunday Mail


Sunday Mail Reporter

The Government has set February 15 as the date by which all A1 and A2 farmers must submit farm production reports every year.

It is believed that this could help identify underutilised land.

In a statement, Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development Minister Dr Anxious Masuka said the Government will use the reports as the basis of repossessing unproductive farms.

The Government plans to redistribute abandoned and underutilised farms to landless Zimbabweans.

“Land has become a major economic enabler. And agriculture has become a business. Land and agriculture, therefore, must cause accelerated economic activity for the attainment of Vision 2030,” said Dr Masuka.

“It is in this regard that the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development directed all A1 and A2 farmers to submit annual ‘Production and Productivity Forms’ by 15 February each year. The new A2 permit conditions also compel all A2 farmers to provide such returns.”

Unproductive farmers, he added, should consider applying for approval to enter joint ventures with investors.

“Holders of such land must consider JVs (joint ventures) to quickly bring such land under production.

“Let us take farming as a business.

“In line with the Government thrust to increase agricultural production and productivity, abandoned farms, derelict farms and underutilised farms shall be liable for repossession and redistribution to deserving beneficiaries on the waiting list for land allocation.”

Dr Masuka said the national Joint Venture Agreement Framework allows investors to undertake farming operations with the consent of the Government.

“It must be emphasised that all joint ventures must be approved by the ministry for them to be legally-binding documents.

“Section 18 of the Land Commission Act Chapter 20:29 buttresses this position by asserting that no occupier of State land shall permit occupation, on a share-cropping basis, by another person unless a formal agreement has been entered into between the owner and the occupier with that agreement having been approved by the minister.”

He also said prospective farmers intending to venture into forestry must also apply for approval from the ministry.

“Where conversion of agricultural land (such as cropping and/or livestock to forestry) is planned, a special approval from the ministry must be sought first, before parties can sign the Special Forestry Joint Venture Agreement,” he said.

“A different agreement is required to cater for the long-term nature of forestry, and the delayed returns on investment but, more importantly, to consider and preserve agricultural land for national food

“All forestry JVs, whether registered and unregistered with the ministry, must be submitted to the ministry by February 15, 2022.”


Land Commission starts final audit

Land Commission starts final audit The Herald 6/12/2021 Pfumvudza/Conservation Agriculture concept Elita Chikwati Senior Agric Reporter Teams of enumerators have been deployed to farming provinces

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