Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

***The views expressed in the articles published on this website DO NOT necessarily express the views of the Commercial Farmers' Union.***

Lowveld farm seizure cases go to court Monday

Lowveld farm seizure cases go to court Monday

By Tererai Karimakwenda
12 January, 2012

A group of commercial farmers whose properties in Zimbabwe were confiscated 
are due to appear in Chiredzi Magistrates’ Court on Monday, facing the 
criminal charge of “illegally occupying State Land without a permit”.

The land in question refers to their houses on the farms, which they 
continued to occupy after losing the rest of their land and agricultural 
equipment, as top officials in the Mugabe regime grabbed prime land under 
the banner of the so-called land redistribution programme.

Peter Henning’s farm was confiscated in 2003 and is one of the accused in 
court on Monday. He told SW Radio Africa on Thursday that his property was 
protected by a bilateral trade protection agreement, but this made no 
difference. Henning is South African and the others facing similar charges 
are Mauritian and Swiss. Zimbabwean Robert Style is also in court on Monday 
for refusing to leave his farm.

“We all have bilateral agreements.” Henning said but he explained that the 
Zimbabwe government refuses to honour these agreements that are meant to to 
provide protection.

Also due to stand trial on 16th January are Mauritian nationals Benoit 
Lagesse and Benoit Fayd’herbe and Swiss national Theresa Warth.

The chaotic seizure of commercial farms by the Mugabe regime has caused much 
suffering in the farming communities and destroyed the country’s food 
production created mass hunger and a dependency on donor hand outs.

“It has been traumatic. I had a large staff and all my senior staff died 
from stress. There was nothing I could do. Not even hospitalization. They 
all died from stress because they could not find work in their trade 
anywhere and it killed them,” Henning said.

Charles Taffs, President of the Commercial Farmers Union (CFU), said there 
has been an escalation of farm seizures and intimidation following Robert 
Mugabe’s speech at the ZANU-PF congress in December. Mugabe said the 
remaining white-owned farms should be urgently taken.

Regarding enforcement of protection agreements, Taffs said nothing has been 
done by the coalition government.

CFU figures show that Zimbabwe faces the lowest yield of maize in 50 years 
this year. “About 247,000 hectares were planted which should give us 350,000 
tonnes of maize, versus consumption needs of 2 million tones. We are in 
serious trouble,” Taffs explained.

The farming expert said Malawi has stopped exporting maize to neighboring 
countries due to a drop in their own production, leaving Zimbabwe with no 
hope of importing from there.

Regarding the affected farm workers, Taffs said roughly 2 million people 
were housed on commercial farms – about 350,000 families. The government’s 
figures claim that 166,000 families were resettled. This is less than half 
the total evicted from the farms but the CFU also dispute these figures and 
say resettlement has been absolutely minimal.

The regional human rights tribunal in Namibia ruled that Zimbabwe’s land 
redistribution was racially discriminatory, constitutionally illegal and 
dispossessed owners had to be compensated for their loss.

But the Zimbabwean government ignored the ruling and SADC leaders suspended 
the tribunal’s operations, rather than deal with the Mugabe regime.


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