Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

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MP behind land seizure snubs High Court order

MP behind land seizure snubs High Court order

By Alex Bell
23 August 2010

An MP behind the illegal seizure of a farm in Somabuhla has snubbed a High
Court order protecting the land from invasion, refusing to leave the
property on Monday.

Last week, Philip and Ellen Hapelt from Grasslands Farm successfully
obtained a Permanent Interdict from the High Court, ordering MP Jabulani
Mangena to leave the property. Mangena has led a campaign of harassment,
vandalism and violence against the Hapelts and their workers, claiming he
has an offer letter entitling him to the property. Late last year, the
Hapelts were brutally beaten by a gang of thugs, in an attack the family
believes was meant to drive them from their farm.

The Hapelts many years ago voluntarily gave up the majority of their land
for the sake of ‘reform’, under an agreement that would allow them to remain
on their homestead with a small portion of farming land. They already have
two Court orders that entitle them to live on the farm without fear of
invasion or persecution. But Mangena is openly disregarding the courts and
has previously threatened the Hapelts with more violence if they approach
the courts again.

Donna-Jean Abrey, the couple’s daughter in South Africa, told SW Radio
Africa on Monday that MP Mangena is still threatening her parents, calling
it a very “frightening situation.” She said that the local police and
sheriff of the court are “petrified” of Mangena and refused to carry out
eviction proceedings on Monday. The Hapelts were forced to return to court
to try and get another interdict.

Mangena meanwhile remains on the property, where some of his ‘staff’ have
started building dwellings and are tending a herd of cattle. Donna-Jean told
SW Radio Africa that Mangena has threatened “to cut off the legs and kill
anybody who tries to herd the cattle off the property. Mangena’s staff have
also been threatening the Hapelts. Last week, Ellen Hapelt had to seek
safety in her home after a worker threatened her with a shovel while she was
out walking, telling her it was not her property.

Philip Hapelt is a South African citizen and he and his family have made
numerous appeals to the South African High Commission to intervene on their
behalf. Donna-Jean explained on Monday that she has successfully managed to
speak to the South African ambassador “who has phoned my parents and said he
wants to help.” But she explained that the South African authorities “have
been completely ineffectual.”

The South African government has come under fire for not intervening on
behalf of its citizens, many of whom face similar situations on farms across
Zimbabwe. This includes Ian Ferguson whose game ranch near Beitbridge was
illegally seized by land invaders said to be working for a top ZANU PF
official. Ferguson’s game has been slaughtered and repeated pleas for help
from his government have gone unanswered.


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