Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

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MSU develops new method of feeding pigs

MSU develops new method of feeding pigs

April 9, 2016 in NationalNews

Midlands State University’s (MSU) department of agricultural economics and development is in the process of developing a new cost-efficient method of feeding pigs to maximise profits.

By Stephen Chadenga

According to the department’s chairperson and co-ordinator of the project, Joseph Chivizhe, the new innovation, known as the pig feed water mixer, will result in a departure from the use of pig troughs.

“In this innovation, pig feed is placed in a drum that has a water tank affixed to the top. The drum has a slot at the bottom through which pigs can gain access to the feed.

“The water tank is triggered the moment pigs access the feed and releases water, which in turn softens the feed,” Chivizhe posted on the MSU official website.


Chivizhe described the new feeding process as healthier and economical in that pigs will not spill or soil the feed.
“The pig feed water mixer is currently undergoing a few modifications and should be complete by the first week of April,’ he said.


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