Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

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National dam levels drop

National dam levels drop

National dam levels drop
Kariba Dam is currently facing water inflow challenges from upstream resulting in reduced carrying capacity of nearly 30 percent.

Zimbabwe National Water Authority (ZINWA) has appealed to all water users to use the available water sparingly as the national dam level continues to decline. The national dam level has continued on a downward trajectory as rivers have ceased flowing while the ongoing winter cropping activities have also added pressure on the dams. The low rains received this year also explain the depressed dam levels.

Statistics show that at July 26, 2019, the national dam level average was 61,9 percent which is 18,6 percent lower than the 80,5 percent recorded in the same week last year.

Gwayi Catchment’s dam level average was 54,2 percent, Manyame Catchment 83,5 percent and Mazowe Catchment 88,5 percent, Mzingwane Catchment 56,4 percent, Runde Catchment 52 percent, Sanyati Catchment 64,5 percent and Save Catchment 76 percent.

Zinwa corporate communications and marketing manager Mrs Marjorie Munyonga said those who abuse water will be prosecuted.

“Water abstraction agreements allow ZINWA to efficiently and sustainably allocate the available water among the diverse interests of water users.

“Any use of water from dams outside the requirements of the law constitutes to an offence and offenders are liable to prosecution,” she said.

Under Gwayi Catchment, Insukamini and Exchange dams, which are used for irrigation and water supply are 53,8 percent and 39,7 percent full while lower Mgusa Dam which is used for irrigation is at 68,2 percent.

Khami Dam, which is used for irrigation, is 48,2 percent full. Manyame Catchment’s Chivero Dam, which is used for irrigation and water supply, is 70,3 percent full.

Mazvikadei, which is used for irrigation and mining, is at 86,4 perecnt. Manyame Dam, which is used for irrigation and water supply, is 86,4 percent full.

Under Mzingwane Catchment, Insiza and Mtshabezi dams, which are used for water supply and irrigation are 47,8 percent and 66,6 percent full respectively.

Upper Ncema Dam that is solely used for water supply is 3,1 percent full.


Dam Levels as at 08-Dec-2021

Dam Levels as at 08-Dec-2021 DAM NAME FULL SUPPLY CAPACITY CURRENT CAPACITY % FULL (millions of cubic metres) (millions of cubic metres) Kariba 64800.00 15111.4

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Dam Levels as at 25-Nov-2021

Dam Levels as at 25-Nov-2021 DAM NAME FULL SUPPLY CAPACITY CURRENT CAPACITY % FULL (millions of cubic metres) (millions of cubic metres) Kariba 64800.00 16944.3

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Dam Levels as at 08-Nov-2021

Dam Levels as at 08-Nov-2021 DAM NAME FULL SUPPLY CAPACITY CURRENT CAPACITY % FULL (millions of cubic metres) (millions of cubic metres) Kariba 64800.00 19485.1

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Dam Levels as at 11-Oct-2021

Dam Levels as at 11-Oct-2021 DAM NAME FULL SUPPLY CAPACITY CURRENT CAPACITY % FULL (millions of cubic metres) (millions of cubic metres) Kariba 64800.00 24206.3

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Dam Levels as at 03-Sep-2021

Dam Levels as at 03-Sep-2021 DAM NAME FULL SUPPLY CAPACITY CURRENT CAPACITY % FULL (millions of cubic metres) (millions of cubic metres) Kariba 64800.00 28155.4

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Dam Levels as at 18-Aug-2021

Dam Levels as at 18-Aug-2021 DAM NAME FULL SUPPLY CAPACITY CURRENT CAPACITY % FULL (millions of cubic metres) (millions of cubic metres) Kariba 64800.00 29555.4

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