COMMERCIAL vehicle, means any vehicle used for trading or used for commercial purposes, for example, taxis, commuter omnibuses, hired vehicles, towing vehicles equipped with lifting and towing equipment, buses, haulage trucks, funeral parlour vehicles among other vehicles. Commercial vehicles also include those used in the operation of transport services in transit through Zimbabwe. Such vehicles are cleared under Commercial Temporary Import Permit (CTIP). Triptyques or carnets may also be used in the place of a CTIP.
Foreign commercial vehicles shall not remain in Zimbabwe for an unbroken period of more than:
“Three (3) working days
Five (5) days for abnormal loads) if in transit through Zimbabwe in terms of the Customs and Excise (General) Regulations (SI 154 of 2001) Section 60(5)(e)
“14 days if coming to offload and/or load goods in Zimbabwe (extensions may be made in circumstances approved by the Station/Shift Manager).”
Carbon tax and third party Insurance shall be paid for all vehicles admitted on CTIP. However, where one holds a Comesa Yellow Card Insurance or the Automobile Association of South Africa Insurance Policy, third party insurance shall not be charged.
A CTIP is valid for a maximum period of 90 days and multiple entries allowed within this paid for multiple entry, the CTIP shall be processed for a period covered by a valid insurance and carbon tax. The CTIP shall be surrendered at the expiry of the 90 days, upon which a fresh CTIP shall be issued.
Covid-19 is real. Always remember to sanitise, wash your hands with water and soap. Stay safe.
My Taxes, My Duties: Building my Zimbabwe!!
This article was compiled by the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority for information purposes only. ZIMRA shall not accept responsibility for loss or damage arising from use of material in this article and no liability will attach to the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority.
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e-TIP: http://ecustoms.zimra.co.zw/etip