Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

***The views expressed in the articles published on this website DO NOT necessarily express the views of the Commercial Farmers' Union.***

What Are The FAO Guidelines?


1ST April 2010


Dear Farmer,


What are the FAO Guidelines?


The list below covers what constitutes items that may be considered for compensation claims.


 They are guidelines only and are not in themselves law; however they form the basis for the construction of legitimate claims because many of the losses described in the listed guidelines have been awarded in some countries where compulsory expropriation has taken place. 


The first five items relate to those aspects where qualified assessors are needed to substantiate the claim, the other items are of a more subjective nature and would require the farmer to establish the loss and also what he did to mitigate the loss.


For those who are registered with Valcon the first five items are covered.  ARAC is working to establish bench marks and criteria for the remainder.


1.       Land (Qualified)

2.       Improvements (Qualified) and standing crops (Farmer)

3.       Value of financial advantage other than market value (Qualified)

4.       Interest on unpaid compensation from date of possession (Qualified)

5.       Loss in value of other land owned (Qualified)


6.       Expenses incurred as a direct result of acquisition (Farmer)

7.       Legal and other professional costs (Farmer)

8.       Cost of moving and finding alternative accommodation (Farmer)

9.       Cost of reorganization where only a part of the land is acquired (Farmer)

10.   Temporary loss of earnings (Farmer)

11.   Personal hardships and trauma (Farmer and expert witness)

12.   Other losses e.g. Moveable property and livestock (Farmer)


For further information contact Shayne or Ben at ARAC for further information: [email protected]   

 Tel: +263 4 309800/19 ext 249

We will be sending you more or different aspects and perspectives on the above in future issues. Please let us have your thoughts or queries.

Easter greetings to all,

From all at ARAC.


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