Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

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Who Is The CBD Oil Target Consumer?

Who Is The CBD Oil Target Consumer?

Over the past couple of years, more revelations came from researchers, and a greater number of users presented testimonials relating to (cannabidiol) CBD property effects as they pertain to wellness.

The compound is finding more approval with various countries legalizing the cannabinoid in a therapeutic capacity as long as the (tetrahydrocannabinol) THC cannabinoid remains at a consistency less than 0.2% in Europe and 0.3% in the United States. That’s necessary because THC causes the “high” in marijuana, so any product offering elevated levels falls outside the legal stipulations.

Most of the CBD oil products sold on the market are hemp-based, not marijuana-based, leaving little chance for the average consumer’s problems. But with the onslaught of brands attempting to cash-in on the high demand for the compound, fraudulent companies sell products with elevated THC, diminished CBD, or items with harmful contaminants. It’s up to the buyer to do significant research to avoid getting caught in these traps.

Fun Statistics On CBD (Cannabidiol)

CBD finds its way into many households across the globe as it steadily becomes legal throughout various countries. The products vary with a broad range of formulas created to meet specific user criteria.

You’ll find pills, oil/regular tincture, gummies or other edibles, topicals including lotions, salves, creams, and so many different bath/body products, and vaping options.

It’s challenging to develop a specific profile for the (cannabidiol) consumer because the demographic is vast from the very young to the aged and for varied reasons at each level. Find out if you need to be over 18 for (cannabidiol) at

Young adults are finding the compound beneficial as an aid in decreasing bouts of intense stress, while those advanced in age seek the cannabinoid for its pain-relieving potential. The FDA approved the drug for children as an ingredient in medicine for a rare form of an epileptic seizure. The range is broad, but there are some fun facts not many might be aware of:

  • Females comprise over 50% of all users.
  • Globally, the market prediction is for the value to hit nearly $17 billion in five years.
  • CBD has the most significant use in North America currently, with America’s primary reason for use being to relieve the pain sensation.
  • The cannabinoid is second only to THC as a prominent ingredient in the cannabis plant.
  • Some users incorporate CBD in an attempt to curb habits like tobacco / nicotine or THC.
  • The cannabinoid is non-intoxicating compared to THC’s high-inducing characteristics.
  • The compound is merely one ingredient in a medication created to treat a rare form of epilepsy for children.
  • CBD boasts properties beneficial for assisting with symptoms that come with depression and anxiety.

Leaders are continually trying to pinpoint the consumer for (cannabidiol), but currently, there is no one particular target demographic to address with the products. The properties are beneficial for the young and young at heart and for the pet population. Attempting to narrow it down is fruitless, and why would you want to. Most brands wish for a broad reach. CBD has it. Go here for statistics.

When the FDA finally steps in and begins to regulate the products, perhaps different CBD options will have use for varied conditions, and then the narrative can change to address a specific group. Until then, there are no guidelines to follow.

How Will The Narrative Change CBD?

If the FDA develops regulations, researchers have the opportunity to determine how CBD works to assist with pain or inflammation in cases like fibromyalgia, perhaps, or maybe migraines. Specific branding is possible in an analgesic capacity for these particular conditionsto help with that target audience’s symptoms. Then manufacturers can develop products based on that demographic, and those people can indulge in products meant for them.

The FDA is at a standstill because they need to have more credible evidence about safety and effectiveness. That’s beneficial for all involved, from the research teams to the brands selling to the consumer taking the products. No one should be mad at the FDA; they should be grateful.

Once the FDA feels confident with what they’re seeing, meaning the compound appears safe short and long-term, it’s effective in each scenario, the side effects are minimal, everyone can feel secure in taking the products. The brand can feel safe in making and distributing its wares. There is a relief for everyone because the agency that matters says it’s okay.

While everyone indulges in CBD (in a risky capacity), though with positive results thus far, there’s nothing like taking a medicine that you know has the backing of an authoritative agency like the FDA.

Final Thought

You’ll find a lot of facts and much fiction floating around the web concerning (cannabidiol). The only way to make sense of it is to find a good, reliable resource to translate the information.


Your medical doctor (typically) will stay current on the topic in today’s market. Many sources who specialize in the cannabinoid are also exceptionally helpful in setting the record straight, plus offering educational materials on CBD and guiding you towards suitable products for your needs.

None of the products are specific to a particular audience except pets and epileptic medication. What you buy as a consumer on your own terms (hopefully with doctor guidance) deems an experiment with potential risks. Everyone must realize that until the FDA finally has what they need to develop guidelines.


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