Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

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ZESA to ease load-shedding: Mangoma

ZESA to ease load-shedding: Mangoma

22/03/2012 00:00:00
by Phyllis Mbanje

POWER supplies are expected to increase across the country over the next few 
days after ZESA completed upgrades to the Hwange and Kariba power stations, 
Energy Minister, Elton Mangoma has said.

Zimbabweans have experienced increased power supply interruptions over the 
past two weeks with some areas going for more than 19 hours without 

The poorer high density suburbs were the hardest-hit with some going for two 
days without power.

However, speaking at an investment conference in Harare Thursday Mangoma 
said the situation should improve after generation capacity at Hwange and 
Kariba power stations was increased by 4 and 6 units respectively.
Mangoma also said the ministry would soon launch a major expansion project 
at Hwange.

“Exciting things are happening there and by the first week of June proposals 
for contracts will have been submitted and an evaluation will follow 
thereafter,” he said.

Zimbabwe does not generate enough electricity to meet its needs and plugs 
the gap with imports from neighbouring countries which are, however, 
reducing supplies due to non-payment.

“What are getting from Mozambique is not good enough and we feel that some 
people are going behind our backs trying to influence them not to deal with 
us but we are neighbors,” Mangoma said.

“Our huge challenge then is servicing that debt and hence it is important 
for consumers to own up and pay their bills. We are not backing down from 
disconnecting defaulters after all there is $550million of unpaid bills.”

A privately-owned daily recently published a list of 41 senior government 
officials including cabinet ministers who allegedly owe the power utility 
hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Mangoma – who has previously conceded that senior government officials were 
among ZESA’s major defaulters — described the “leak” as regrettable but 
said more needed to be done to encourage people to pay their bills.

“Zimbabweans have just developed a culture of not wanting to pay. It’s like 
they are saying I can get away with not paying,” he said.
“If you are not paying and do not have a payment plan then you are not a 
serious economic player.”


107MW solar plant for Hwange

107MW solar plant for Hwange   12/7/2019 The Chronicle Pride Mahlangu, Business Reporter INDEPENDENT power producer, Power Ventures (Private) Limited, has applied for a licence

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