Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

Commercial Farmers' Union of Zimbabwe

***The views expressed in the articles published on this website DO NOT necessarily express the views of the Commercial Farmers' Union.***

‘Zesa abandons load shedding schedule’

‘Zesa abandons load shedding schedule’

Saturday, 02 June 2012 18:09

POWER supply remains erratic in most parts of Harare with the Zimbabwe 
Electricity Supply Authority (Zesa) failing to stick to a load shedding 
schedule it published in the media recently, seriously affecting many 
business operations.
Despite the long hours of power cuts, residents complain of exorbitant bills 
at the end of every month. The cost of electricity is affecting thousands of 
households as they have to buy paraffin and firewood at a higher cost, yet 
still have to settle their bills.
Community coordinator, Ronia Gwaze, said that residents of Vainona and 
Hatcliffe suburbs had electricity cut off recently due to unpaid electricity 
bills. Abrupt power outages have resulted in electrical gadgets being 
damaged. In Vainona, a house at 14114 Tern Avenue was gutted by fire caused 
by a burst paraffin stove during one of the numerous power outages. Some 
residents have resorted to using generators or solar lights because of the 
constant power cuts.

Water Supplies
Water supplies in Waterfalls remain poor with most areas going without the 
commodity for several days. During the past week, several residents had 
their water disconnected by the City of Harare yet supplies are erratic. The 
water bills are so high that most residents feel they are unjustified. 
Residents in Glen View are receiving water three times a week. Given this 
situation, residents have to queue at the few boreholes sunk by humanitarian 
Women and school-going children wake up very early to line up for water and 
at times are bullied at the boreholes. Some residents in areas without the 
boreholes have dug shallow wells which are unprotected, raising fears of 
disease outbreaks.

Health and Environment
Refuse is not being collected in Mbare National and Mbare Musika. The same 
situation prevails in Waterfalls at shopping centres such as Park Town and 
Zindoga business centre. Residents of Hatcliffe Extension have resorted to 
burying or burning rubbish in pits.
This is quite the opposite of what is happening in Hatcliffe 1, where there 
is frequent refuse collection. Refuse is supposed to be collected every 
Saturday in Glen View but they hardly come. This has led to residents 
throwing rubbish everywhere in the area, along the roads and on street 
Residents in most parts of Harare pay for their plumbing services if they 
experience blocked sewer pipes on their premises. This is despite that 
council plumbers are supposed to provide that service to the residents. — By 
Harare Residents Trust (HRT)


107MW solar plant for Hwange

107MW solar plant for Hwange   12/7/2019 The Chronicle Pride Mahlangu, Business Reporter INDEPENDENT power producer, Power Ventures (Private) Limited, has applied for a licence

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